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Updated: May 16, 2020

It's about time you get to know us, eh?

Happy Hikers after climbing Cerro Chirripó
Happy Hikers after climbing Cerro Chirripó

Welcome to our website, and welcome to our blog! After countless days, months, even years of contemplating if, and when, and how, we should launch our website, we finally did it.

Couple sitting at a campfire looking at the stars

We like to look at stars. While sitting at a campfire.

In the middle of nowhere.

But please, let us properly introduce ourselves. We are Anna Riedel-Jahn and Lucas T. Jahn, a married couple from Germany, who love to travel around the globe. In 2015 we went to Australia for one year, after finishing our Bachelor's. Right at the start, we bought a 13-year old Mitsubishi Challenger 4x4 with 200.000km on the clock. It was one of our best decisions ever. Not only did we drive 35.000km around the country, but we also found our passion for remote offroad travel. We learned to love to get lost on little paths in the wilderness, where we saw no other car for hours. Since then, we have traveled through the remote landscapes of Western Canada and Alaska, Namibia, Botswana & Costa Rica.

Car crossing a river in Costa Rica

Our name RUGGED ROADTRIPS embodies our passion for traveling off the beaten path.

For every destination we visit, we create an offroad travel documentary. Originally, we produced them as memories for ourselves, holding on to the feeling of freedom only experienced when traveling on the open road.

But then we understood that our journeys inspire people to pursue their own travels. We realised we are entertaining our viewers, that we are bringing them joy. And now there is no stopping us anymore. We are burning for more adventures, which we will gladly share with you. Stay tuned, we just got started.

Anna and Lucas

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Mar 04, 2023

I am so glad to find you on the internet,

thank you for your beautiful travel documentaries



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